* This transcript was created by voice-to-text technology. The transcript has not been edited for errors or omissions, it is for reference only and is not the official minutes of the meeting. GOOD AFTERNOON AND [00:00:01] UH, WELCOME TO THIS CELEBRATION OF SERVICE TO [Craven Community College’s New Ward Hall] THE COLLEGE. TODAY WE'RE DEDICATING WORD HALL IN RECOGNITION OF DAVID L. WARD, JR. FOR MORE THAN 52 YEARS, DAVID HAS HELPED MOLD AND SHAPE OUR COLLEGE FROM ITS EMPATHY AS A SMALL INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION UNIT BACK IN THE 1960S TO TODAY'S COMPREHENSIVE COMMUNITY COLLEGE THAT SERVES OVER MORE THAN 10,000 STUDENTS EVERY YEAR. THIS IS A WONDERFUL TRIBUTE TO ME, BUT IT'S NOT JUST ME, IT'S MY FAMILY. A LOT OF YOU ARE PART OF MY FAMILY, AND, UM, THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE. THIS COLLEGE IS A WONDERFUL, WONDERFUL ASSET TO EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US AND TO THIS COMMUNITY. I AM OVERCOME WITH APPRECIATION. * This transcript was created by voice-to-text technology. The transcript has not been edited for errors or omissions, it is for reference only and is not the official minutes of the meeting.